Elizabeth Wende Breast Care and CAH Registered Dietician to Share Their Expertise
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In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Carthage Area Hospital will host its Annual Think Pink Luncheon on Wednesday, October 16th at the Carthage Elks Lodge, 511 Fulton St., starting at 11:30am.
The community is invited to this free luncheon to learn about prevention and detection from the experts at Elizabeth Wende Breast Care and Carthage Area Hospital. It’s an opportunity to recognize those who are currently fighting breast cancer, honor survivors, and remember all those who have lost their fight to the disease.
“One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Prevention is everything and that’s why these Community Engagement events are so important for our community,” said Dave Gunderson, Community Engagement Series Coordinator.
Speakers include Elizabeth Wende Breast Care Mammography Technician, Kathy Staunton who will provide valuable information on breast health and Carthage Area Hospital’s Director of Community Nutrition and Diabetes Education, Carly Draper, RD, CDN, CDE who will discuss reducing the risk of developing cancer through a healthy diet.
“There is strong scientific evidence that shows that eating a healthy diet, along with regular physical activity, can promote health and reduce the risk of developing various forms of cancer including but not limited to breast cancer. While there is not one perfect fit diet or ‘magic food’ that does this, consuming a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, healthy fats, and lean protein sources, and is low in added sugar, trans fats, and other processed foods may help to reduce cancer risk,” said Draper.
The Carthage Area Chamber of Commerce will also be in attendance selling luminaires for their Paint the Park Pink Cancer Memorial Service on October 25th at Village Green Park in Carthage starting at 6pm.
Complimentary food and beverages will be served. To RSVP, please register online at www.carthagehospital.com/thinkpink or contact Dave Gunderson through email at dgunderson@cahny.org or by phone at 315-519-5214.
About Our Speakers
Carly Draper, RD, CDN, CDE is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Dietitian / Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator who joined Carthage Area Hospital’s Clinical Nutrition team in 2009. She graduated from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and Food Science. She completed an internship at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Ga. Through her studies, and having lived in both urban and rural communities, she has developed a passion for nutrition education and improving the health and wellness of all patients. She lives in Watertown with her husband, Andrew, and two daughters.
Kathy Staunton has been a Mammography Technologist at Elizabeth Wende Breast Care since 1999. She is certified in bone densitometry and mammography and provides those services at several of the EWBC offices. Kathy enjoys providing education on breast health and bone health to various community groups and organizations.
About the Community Engagement Series
Carthage Area Hospital’s 2019 Community Engagement Series is a population health initiative aimed at educating residents in the hospital’s 83,000-person service area of Jefferson, St. Lawrence and Lewis counties. For nine months, from February through December, the hospital features a different health topic to empower residents to make more informed decisions about their health and wellness and care.
Dates, topics for remaining events are: Wednesday, Nov. 20, “Diabetes Prevention & Awareness Luncheon,” Carthage Elks Lodge, 511 Fulton Street.
All Community Engagement Series events are free and open to the public and include light lunch or refreshments and beverages. Advance registration is preferred and opens on the hospital’s website, carthagehospital.com, at least three weeks prior to each event. Contact Dave Gunderson: dgunderson@cahny.org or 315-519-5214, to learn more.