Physicals In Jefferson, Lewis, & St. Lawrence Counties
Patients in Jefferson, Northern Lewis, and Southern St. Lawrence counties can schedule a physical exam through Carthage Area Hospital. Located in Carthage, New York, Carthage Area Hospital operates several primary care clinics throughout our service area so patients of all ages can access preventative care.
What Happens During A Physical Exam
You may need a physical exam to start a new job, to attend college, or before participating in athletics or other activities. If it has been a while since you’ve had a check-up, there’s nothing to be nervous about. A physical exam is a routine part of a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what to expect during your appointment:
- Vital signs: Your doctor will measure your blood pressure and your heart rate.
- Measurements: Your doctor will measure and record your height and weight.
- Review medications: Your doctor will make a note of any medications you are currently taking.
- Social and environmental factors: Your doctor will ask you about your habits, such as how often you consume alcohol or use tobacco. They will ask you how often you exercise, what your diet is like, and what your living situation is like.
- Health history: Your doctor will ask if there is a history of certain medical issues in your family, such as cancer.
- Health concerns: Your doctor will ask if you have any questions for the medical team, or if there are any health-related issues that you are worried about.
- Physical exam: Your doctor will examine various parts of your body to assess your health and check for signs of illness or injury. This often includes taking your temperature, looking inside your throat and ears, testing your reflexes, and listening to your heart and lungs.
It’s good to schedule an annual physical so you are checking in with your healthcare provider regularly and keeping them informed about any changes in your overall health.
Different Types Of Physical Exams
While any wellness visit will include the steps listed above, Carthage Area Hospital offers several different types of physical exams depending on what patients need. In addition to general physicals to assess a patient’s overall wellness and provide continuity of care, we offer physicals for specific needs, including:
- Sports physicals: This type of exam determines a patient’s fitness to participate in a specific physical activity. The goal is to assess their overall health and check for any issues that could lead to an athletic injury.
- Work physicals: This type of physical assesses a patient’s ability to perform a specific type of job. It may be required for jobs that are physically demanding or require the individual to lift a certain amount of weight. Work physicals may include drug or alcohol testing, typically via a urine sample.
Multiple Locations For Convenient Care
Carthage Area Hospital has multiple satellite locations where you can receive convenient, non-emergency care. You can schedule a physical exam at one of the following sites:
- Carthage Family Health Center
- Carthage Pediatric Clinic
- Carthage Walk-In Clinic
- Philadelphia Medical Center
We also offer physicals at our school-based health clinics (SBHC). Carthage Area Hospital’s School-Based Health Care program provides comprehensive health services in the school setting. These onsite clinics allow us to minimize the amount of classroom instruction students miss because of a medical appointment, and they improve access to healthcare for school-aged children. In fact, the New York School-Based Health Alliance cites several studies showing positive health benefits of SBHCs. Sports physicals and well-child exams are available at all our SBHCs:
- Beaver River School-Based Health Clinic
- Carthage Central High School-Based Health Clinic
- Carthage Middle School-Based Health Clinic
- LaFargeville School-Based Health Clinic
Schedule A Physical Exam Through Carthage Area Hospital Today
If you’re looking for personalized, quality healthcare right here in your community, choose Carthage Area Hospital. Based in Carthage, NY, we serve a three-county region with healthcare services throughout Jefferson, Northern Lewis, and Southern St. Lawrence counties. To learn more about our healthcare services or to schedule a physical exam, contact our team today.