LDRP Rooms Offer Hospital-Quality Care with the Comforts of Home - Carthage Area Hospital

In the past, the process of giving birth hasn’t always made a mother’s comfort a top priority. It’s common for moms to be moved between rooms as they check in at one location, deliver in a separate room and recover in a third. But at Carthage Area Hospital, new mothers and their family members can stay in one place throughout the entire process, allowing them to settle in and get comfortable as they welcome their bundle of joy into the world.

What are LDRP Rooms?

LDRP room stands for labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum room. These rooms are equipped with the necessary tools and supplies to care for mother and baby before, during and after the birth. Most of the time, the baby will get to remain in the room with the mother instead of being taken to the nursery.

What are the Benefits of an LDRP Room?

While receiving maternity care at Carthage Area Hospital, patients have access to highly experienced staff and advanced equipment. In case of an emergency, even in an LDRP room, the hospital is always prepared.

The purpose of the LDRP room is to give the new family a chance to get comfortable, connect with each other and adjust to the new changes that a baby brings. Each room features a comfortable bed, a daybed for guests, access to Jacuzzi tubs and showers, a TV and more. Educational tours, classes and information are also available.

Can I Use an LDRP Room?

LDRP rooms are designed for most common vaginal births. They’re a great way for mother and baby to bond and for family and friends to share in the experience in a home-like setting that’s comfortable, inviting and low stress. In most cases, women who receive an epidural and women who deliver naturally can both do so in LDRP rooms.

However, anyone who has a cesarean section (C-section), a high-risk pregnancy or is experiencing other complications will most likely be moved from the LDRP room at some point. Your doctor will evaluate your circumstances and explain decisions to help you feel informed during the process.

Get More Information

If you’re preparing to give birth, it’s essential to create a plan you feel confident in and comfortable with to ensure a great experience for you and your baby. To learn more about LDRP rooms in Carthage, NY, reach out to the OB/GYN department today.


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